Today was a good day. Isaac did well in therapy again, but came back pretty tired out. He’s doing better at walking and is stumbling less and less everyday. The therapists have been telling us that most of the work that needs to happen in Isaac’s recovery will be on his cognitive skills. You can talk with him and he understands pretty well, but his brain is still jumbled up so when he tries to communicate it comes out quite silly.
He and I had an awesome time playing some music today! That was my highlight for sure. His physical therapist, Roda was working with him and she asked him to come with her to the activity room and play the piano, she said I could tag along too… I think because Isaac was holding my hand beaming at me. So we were about to go out the door and Isaac stopped and asked, “Should I bring that?” pointing to his guitar next to the door. “Sure, if it’s in tune” said Roda. So he grabbed it and we went into the activity room. Roda had him sit in a comfy chair next to the piano and he started to play something on the guitar. I wasn’t sure what it was, but it sounded like the song, “How He Loves,” so I started singing it and he caught on and we played together. Then I got an idea! I wondered if he remembered a certain song that he and I played a bunch together in New Zealand called, “Falling Slowly.” I asked him and he just said, “Oh you wanna do that one… ok…” So I started to play and sing, kinda wondering if he actually knew it when he started to play along, but then he started to sing with me! It was so awesome. I actually kinda messed the song up by playing the wrong chord and he made a little face at me. Haha, so I apologized and asked if he wanted to start over. He said, “Yeah if you want to.” He said it just like he usually would and that made me very encouraged.
A little bit later, a small crowd had formed of other patients and nurses. Kris had found the lyrics to some worship songs in Isaacs’s guitar case and brought them over to him. We convinced him to play them for the crowd. The sheets had no chords, just the lyrics so I helped him out by singing a little bit of each song to remind him. I was SO AMAZED! After just a little reminder, he found the key I was playing in and picked out the chords and just played the song! It was beautiful… and honestly Isaac is so humble, I didn’t know he could do that even before the accident happened!
The rest of the night was pretty uneventful, except for a sweet/romantic moment (that I am allowed to mention since I am the “love of his life.”) Isaac was sleeping, and I was sitting on the couch across from him. I was kinda discouraged and praying… and I started to cry a little bit and he must have heard me because when I looked over at the bed I caught him watching me. “What’s wrong babe?” He asked. “Umm, nothing…” I said, kinda trying to cover. I didn’t want him to feel bad! “Come here,” he said softly. So I went over to the bedside and he took my hand and kissed it very sweetly. Man that really doesn’t help me when I’m trying not to cry! “Aww, baby don’t cry! It’s not good for your heart,” Isaac told me as he pulled me into a hug, “I will protect you.” Then I cried a bit more and said, “God has this in his hands right…” “Yeah…” Isaac replied. Then after a pause he said, “But do you have it in your hands or His hands?” I gave him a sweet kiss and sat back on the couch and thought, “Wow, did God just smack me in the face with the truth or what?!” Isaac didn’t mean to be so profound, but the Holy Spirit did. It was really good.
So, I hope you’ve enjoyed the stories! Now for prayer requests, I think it’s basically the same as last time I posted something… Pray mostly for his brain to mend. For his memories to return! And for good rest at night – he’s been very restless the last few nights because his mind is doing so much right now… it doesn’t want to turn off.
Also, I wanted to let you all know that Young Ivan has posted some new videos on of Isaac’s piano playing today! Thank you all for your prayers – they are powerful and effective!
God Bless!